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The Entrepreneurs Guide to Upgrading Sales—Volume One

March 13th, 2009

Who will drive Change in YOUR Sales Organization? 

Over the last two weeks, I gave five talks on Upgrading Sales.  I spoke with over 200 highly engaged entrepreneurs.  I asked all five groups to raise their hands if they would rank their Sales Organization as “Great”.  Less than 2% of them raised their hands.  Next, I asked them to raise their hands if they would rank their Sales Team as “Good”.  Maybe another 8% of hands went up.   In other words, approximately 90% of a diverse group of private business leaders in varied industries in multiple states ranked their Sales Organizations as Average or Poor.

So here is my question:  “Since Sales in the Lifeblood of Consistent Success, why do so many owners TOLERATE Mediocrity?”

If you are a business owner seeking to build a consistent, scalable and predictable Sales Team, don’t look far.   It all starts with YOU.  This doesn’t mean that YOU need to Sell.  You don’t even need to know how to sell.  It also does not mean that you need to Manage Sales.  It does, however, mean that you need to DECIDE and COMMIT to Upgrading Your Sales.  Building a Great Sales Team takes no magic, just a decision, a checklist and execution.

If you’d like a copy of the Uncommon Sense© World Class Sales Checklist, email me and write “Checklist” in the Subject Line.  If you’d like to expand on your biggest sales challenge, I will reply in short order. 

Stay tuned–I’ll be expanding on this step-by-step approach to Upgrading your Sales in the coming days…   



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