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Control Your Destiny, Volume One: How to Manage (and Grow) Sales Throughout a Recession

May 28th, 2009

I speak with hundreds of small business owners each month.  Many have told me that they fear loss of control.  If you are feeling the same, let’s take a look at some fundamental truths:

*Today, more than ever, it is vital to use time wisely and efficiently. 

*The more we understand and take advantage of our strengths, the better our chances of success.

*Whining and complaining about things we cannot change will never help us regain control.

*Sometimes cuts are necessary, but you will never shrink yourself to Greatness.

*If your market has contracted, you will need to capture a greater market share to maintain the same level of sales revenue.

*If you have multiple competitors, an increase of just a few percentage points of market share can mean substantial increases in business.  This can mean big $$$$ for you!

So a message to the wise—Don’t overlook the role of your Sales Force in turning around your organization.

When your competitor’s are reeling from economic chaos, there is excellent opportunity for you to exploit the situation, upgrade your sales team, and capture major market share.  Here are just a few tips for managing your salespeople through the recession:

1. Change the Mindset.  The change begins with YOU.  Focus your thinking on Revenue Generation, not on cuts.

2. Understand what your salespeople are experiencing.   They are likely feeling hammered.  Hammered by more rejection.  Hammered by longer Sales Cycles.  Hammered by fewer leads.  Hammered by the media predictions of doom and gloom.  They are also likely being hammered by smaller commission checks and maybe even by increased pressure from you and or other sales managers.  Note:  Some pressure is good, but most salespeople will not perform at their best under intense pressure.

3. Shoot Straight with them.   Don’t tell them everything is OK or “normal”.  It’s not.   The economy IS slow and it is likely that things will not get a whole lot better for at least 18 to 24 months.  Let them know that things ARE tough out there and that you understand that many of them have NOT sold in this kind of environment before. 

4. Give them the Solution.  You can now outline the opportunity.  Explain that the strong will not only survive, but that they will thrive.  Then, explain the following realities:              

  • It is vital to adapt along with the changing economy. 
  • There will be tremendous opportunity for anyone who will focus and execute while weaker players are licking their wounds.
  • Over-achievers will be rewarded handsomely.
  • Over-achievement is expected in your company.
  • Your company will provide coaching, training, encouragement and development.  You will give them the support they need.    

This is also a good time to ask your top performers to be team players and leaders.  Let them know that you know they can do it and that doing so is part of over-achievement. 

The greatest fortunes are made during turbulent economic times.  Your Sales Force holds the key.  Raise your expectations.  Then raise theirs.  Expect greatness, evaluate your sales team, and hold them accountable to over-achievement.  Great results will follow….

Copyright © Joe Zente 2009.  All Rights Reserved.

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April 24th, 2009

In today’s rapidly changing marketplace, it is becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate your company from your competition.  If you cannot differentiate, the only weapon that will be left in your arsenal is dropping prices, cutting deeply into your profit.  Ask yourself these questions:

Is My Company Differentiated? 

In 20 words or less, how would you say your company is differentiated in the marketplace?  (Better Service?  Best Pricing? Better Products? Highest Quality?)

If I asked your biggest competitors, what would they say differentiates THEM?

Are their differentiator(s) very different from yours? 

If not, is your company TRULY differentiated in the minds of your prospects?

If so, how long do you think you can maintain your differentiated advantages?


Are You and your Salespeople Differentiated?

How would you say you are different when compared to your selling opponents?

What do you think your PROSPECTS would say?

What do you think you can do today to improve your advantages and develop qualities so that you are ALWAYS differentiated and show up as the MVP (Most Valuable Person)?


For some specific guidelines to becoming a differentiated MVP, email GrowMySales@zthree.com and write MVP in the Subject Line.

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Tips from the Top - April 2009

April 7th, 2009

Google Ads and Phone Numbers

In your Google Ad words account, edit your ads and have your bottom line be your phone number. I recently did and it made a huge difference. For example, "Experienced Dog Movers Expert Dog Relocation Services, Call now! 1-877-738-6683 www.PetRelocation.com". This is great because many times you save a click, since they will just call and you are getting them right when they want it, not after a few clicks and call backs from your office.

Kevin O’Brien, PetRelocation.com, Austin, TX


The Three Parts to Delivering Unpleasant News to Your Employees

In different economic times, we sometimes have to relay unpleasant news to our employees. When communicating a negative message, such as reductions in workforce or reduced compensation, it’s important to remember the three parts of such messaging:

Part one - "This is what we have done". Don’t let your employees agonize over an upcoming event. Take action first, and then tell them what you have done. Employees are more likely to continue working as before when they are presented with a fait accompli.

Part two - "This is why it will work". Your message must include assurances that the action taken was appropriate, adequate and aggressive. Employees want to know that you are on top of the situation and their jobs remain safe.

Part three - "This is what you have to do". If a situation warrants negative action, employees want to help. Finish the announcement with a call to action and a sense of urgency. Remind them that their efforts are the key to recovery in the future.

TAB Board 503, San Antonio, TX


Breaking the Glass Scenario

It’s difficult to plan for the future in these uncertain times. The way I’ve dealt with this is by creating a separate "break-the-glass" scenario of our strategic plan. This way, if things really tank, I’ve got a game plan of necessary actions to allow us to survive. No one wants to have to pull the fire alarm, but if there’s a need, it’s best to be prepared.

Mike Greene, Greene Moving and Storage, Manchester, CT


Looking Back From the Future

To get a perspective on your business or your life, pretend you are living 10 years in the future. Look back to today and ask yourself, "What would I say about how I’m doing in 2009, how I’m running my business, what I’m doing in life?" It’s a very grounding experience to evaluate yourself from that vantage point.

Steve Gilbertson, Electramatic, Inc., Minneapolis, MN


Are You Listening To Yourself?

Pay attention to the conversations you are having with your friends and confidants. What is the tone? Are you excited about your business or are you complaining about the economy, your employees, your customers or vendors? If your complaint is recurring, you may be procrastinating on some project or avoiding some action that would be beneficial to your company.

Jimmy Burds, Colographic, Denver, CO


The Alternative Board® is comprised of members who are business owners, CEOs or presidents who run businesses in non-competing fields. During a TAB Board meeting, you receive the benefit of the collective experience of the board members, who offer practical solutions to your problems-not theories.

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How to Upgrade Your Sales and Thrive During Any Economy

April 1st, 2009

If your company is like many today, you may be experiencing the perfect storm of a shrinking market, shrinking margins and greater competition.  You may also be trying to deal with this storm without a surplus of available cash, or under conditions of tight credit.  Many business owners are frustrated with the lack of new business and the fact that few, if any, of their people relish the role of obtaining it.  Some currently have people in a selling role, but the results are sub-par.  They feel they are being held hostage by mediocre salespeople who may have valuable information or relationships.  The answer to these seemingly perplexing situations is YOU.  By virtue of a simple choice, you possess much more power than you might think to dramatically upgrade your Sales Team and grow now.  Upgrading to a true Sales Culture will not only affect your top line revenue, but can also improve your margins and net profit.  If you decide to go for it, here are simple steps that will be required: 

1.   Acknowledge the Brutal Facts:  If you want to upgrade to a powerful Sales Culture and reap the rewards that doing so will bring, it is vital to realize that the very people you would like to change have chosen to behave in the way are currently behaving.  They act the way they do for one reason–because they want to.  So despite your strongest desires, they probably will not choose to do what you would like them to do – Hunt and Close.

2.   Needle in a Haystack: 
Hunters and Closers represent a microscopic portion of the “salesperson population.  In fact, only a very small percentage of people are really suitable for taking on any part of a sales or business development role.  

3.   Use Effective Tools and Processes:   You must be able to identify that small percentage of people.  This isn’t hard to do if you use the right types of assessment tools and processes.

4.   Raise Your Expectations, Trumpet Your Intentions: 
This is not the time to be wishy-washy or vague.  You must clearly communicate your desire and commitment to create a powerful, lasting Sales Culture, especially to those who must carry part of the Sales Culture load.   For example, let’s say you want the regional managers at your professional services firm to go out and find local business customers, the customer service call center to become proactive by making outgoing calls, or your professional service providers to bring new clients into your firm.  In all of these cases, a common mistake management makes is to neglect the clear communication of expectations to those very people they would like to change.

5.  Appoint a Competent Culture Transformation Director
Again, this is going to take steady commitment on your part.  But it will pay off.  Appoint someone who understands what needs to be accomplished as well as how to accomplish it.  Then hold them accountable for executing.

6.  Train and Coach:  Make sure that the chosen people are provided with the training they’ll need to succeed in this strange new world of selling and new business development.  The assessment tools can provide you with a development roadmap.

7.   Demonstrate a Path to Success:  Don’t throw them out to sink or swim.  Even with the most talented of salespeople, it is up to you to clearly define what it is they should do and how often they should do it.

8.   Don’t Try to Push Water Up Hill: 
You must get buy-in from the people that will participate in your culture transformation.

9.   No Surprises: 
You must be clear as to how their success will be measured.

10.  Hold Them Accountable:  The Culture Transformation Director must hold the participants accountable to doing what they agreed to do.

A sluggish economy is the absolute best time to perform a Sales Culture Transformation.  With a simple choice, the right tools, and a simple checklist, you’ll be well on your way to higher revenues, increased profits and consistent performance.

Copyright ©   Joe Zente  2009.   All Rights Reserved.

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