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Incentivizing Your Staff: What Works and What Doesn’t

March 19th, 2009

Keeping customers happy is a must in today’s business climate.   As a result, its time to take a hard look at your customer service. Are employees making the grade—or do they need some incentives to get there?

A board of your peers, who are members of The Alternative Board®, recently took on this issue.  Peek inside their meeting with CNNMoney.com

This is no time to be alone! With the help of fellow business owners led by a professional facilitator, you can make better decisions and effectively conquer the toughest business challenges.  Does it make sense to talk more about your unique business issues?


Joe Zente

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Survival Tips for Small Businesses

March 11th, 2009

Small businesses need to stay afloat during the current economic downturn. This means changing with the times and altering business strategies. Jason Zickerman, president and CEO of The Alternative Board, a coaching franchise system, says it is essential for small companies to take a stronger approach in order to survive these hard times.

“This economy will unfortunately take businesses out,” says Zickerman. “Companies need to question themselves if they aren’t making changes in the current situation.”

Zickerman offers tips to help small business owners keep focus:

— Perform a 90- or 180-day cash flow forecast. Try to update the projection each month. Sign accountants in order to better understand how to create a cash flow analysis.

— Pay attention to the certain elements that can affect cash flow. Keep up inventory; poor managing of inventory is common. Watch customers and make sure you know what they owe you. Discuss terms on your purchases and accounts payable.

— Stay in touch with customers. It is important to be aware of your clients’ feelings toward your products or services. Try to keep customers as happy as possible.

— Continue marketing. Businesses that haven’t stopped marketing are doing better in this economy. Be more aggressive; confidence is portrayed when money is spent on exposure.

— Talk with your workers. Maintain employee involvement in meetings. Gain their perspectives and include them in the company’s survival tactics.

— Keep the strong staff. If the budget calls for a staff reduction, avoid firing those who are committed and play a big part in the company. You don’t have to base cuts on seniority or salary. Try not to fire multiple employees at once. It is better to do it one at a time.

— Find support through networking. You shouldn’t be alone during these slow times. Connect with other business owners to share ideas and learn tips.

For more information, visit www.thealternativeboard.com.

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Thinking of franchising? Advice from the trenches

March 2nd, 2009

Franchising can be an attractive way to extend a successful brand - but entrepreneurs should beware high costs and management challenges.

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By Emily Maltby, CNNMoney.com staff writer

FARMINGDALE, N.Y. (CNNMoney.com) — If you’re the owner of a successful business, is now the time to franchise it?

Paul Sperry, CEO of IDP Consulting, posed that question to a group of fellow business owners gathered last month in a conference room in Farmingdale, N.Y. As members of peer advisory group The Alternative Board (TAB), Sperry and his colleagues gather monthly, like dozens of other TAB groups across the country, to confidentially discuss business issues.

IDP, a 47-person IT firm based in Jericho, N.Y., provides technology management services to businesses of less than 300 employees. Sperry founded the company in 1986, and has a personal goal to leave the business in about six years. One of his employees has been talking to him recently about expanding IDP in a franchise model. Sperry is seriously entertaining the idea, but he’s wary about the problems it could bring.

“Franchises work for companies like Geek Squad when they don’t care who they’re selling services to,” Sperry says. “Franchises that saturate the market like that lose quality. I think they lose commitments from staff, and that won’t work for me.”

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Guilt in Downsizing

February 20th, 2009

If you need to downsize in your company, you might be interested in TAB President Jason Zickerman’s recent comments featured in Business Week.

Stopping Survivor Guilt

As a senior manager in an era of massive layoffs, it’s your job to stave off survivor guilt before it lowers the morale and productivity of remaining employees

By Rebecca Reisner

As an adjunct to the sympathy they feel for laid-off co-workers, employees go through three self-centered stages, says Jason Zickerman, president of the Alternative Board, an executive consulting firm based in Denver.

1. Whew! I made the cut.

2. I have to do all this work.

3. They don’t appreciate me.

“You’ll see changes in personality. Outgoing people now being silent. Work isn’t as good, and absenteeism rises,” he advised. “There’s anxiety and pressure, the beginning of depression in the case of some. For employees, layoffs are not in their control, and whenever someone else is holding the puppet strings, it’s stressful.”

Soon, the business itself can feel the effects of survivor’s guilt on its bottom line. Fortunately, business consultants say, survivor’s guilt is highly responsive to treatment if senior management acts early and often.

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TAB Member Spotlight - Mike O’Krent

February 17th, 2009









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Following is a recent article about Mike O’Krent and his unique company, LifeStories Alive.
It is a wonderful testimony concerning the intersection of passion, entrepreneurship and success.

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